Tuesday, June 1, 2010

hey cupcake :)

I just had the most amazing dinner... baked BBQ chicken, fresh asparagus and sliced tomatoes... yum!

Obviously, I wasn't cooking for the hubby... (he doesn't do asparagus or tomatoes).. he's in Indiana this evening, working on his uncle's computer (his aunt will be feeding him this evening :). It was just little ole' me.. so I cooked up something for myself.. and I'll tell you that it was not nearly as much fun as cooking for my wonderful man... I'm looking forward to cooking for him tomorrow :)

Here are the cupcake photos from this morning's delivery.. the 5th year celebration of a little consignment shop in MiddleTown.

Goodnight for now :)


  1. I bet your dinner was DELISH! And your cupcakes look absolutely BEAUTIFUL. One day you'll have your own Cupcake Franchise and you will wish you could go back to cooking them at home. Although like you, I fantasize about a REALLY COOL kitchen. Gas range, double ovens, Sub Zero refigerator. Oh well, we girls can dream can't we. Question. When you say you use a cake mix and a soda, I assume you don't add the eggs, oil, etc. It is JUST the cake mix and water, right? I'm gonna give this a whirl. I hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend!

  2. That's right.. for the diet coke cake- it's just a regular sized cake mix, and 1 12oz can of diet soda.. and it makes for a delicious, way lower calorie cake !
