Friday, May 7, 2010

the mud puddle.

Our adorable little patio is a mud puddle.  
here's a 'before' picture.. this was taken 1 year ago when I bought the house..

Tonight- we (mostly the hubby) pulled out everything from the big tree in the middle, all the way to the right..  Including scooping out all of the rocks.. it's down to a big mud puddle.. and it's going to be my vegetable garden!

My big muscle man of a husband worked from right after dinner until 10:30pm scooping out rocks and getting the dirt ready for plowing.. he's a good man. He won't even eat the vegetables that are born in my little garden.. maybe a tomato slice on his double decker bacon cheeseburger.. that's about as far as he'll be going towards my vegetable offspring.. bless his heart for working so late to make me a little garden.. The plants are growing like crazy in their pots- and we're just about ready to get them into the ground.. should have some tomato varieties, cucumbers, carrots, yellow squash, green onions, and corn.

Yes! I said CORN!

Funny story about the corn. I've never seen it for sale in plant form.. only seed form. and since it was 1.89 at Lowes for the adorable little pack of corn plants....  I bought it.

        Told the hubby that we'll be able to have a corn maze by fall.. maybe we can charge admission? ;)
 Here are my little corn plants. Aren't they so cute?!?!   

I'll try to upload some 'after' pictures soon.. when 'we' (mostly the hubby) get's my little plants in the ground. At this point, I think he'd rather me just buy the vegetables at Kroger this summer.. That was my best argument for starting a vegetable garden. 'Because the vegetables are full of pesticides, and they are SOO expensive at the grocery store.. I'll save us money!'  I think he's way over my persuasive argument.
Way over it.

Oh. and here's what I did while the hubby was playing in the mud.
Strawberry cupcake order. Trying out a new 'two tone' icing method.

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