Saturday, December 4, 2010

sneeze. blow. cough. repeat.

The mighty winter cold has blanketed the Watkins' household.. I came down with a sore throat last Monday, followed by all the other beautiful cold symptoms.. and I'm still sniffing and coughing today! 5 days later!!!

Because I'm running no fever, and the symptoms are tolerable with over the counter medications, I haven't been the doc yet.. It has improved.. and this Afrin nose spray stuff has absolutely saved my life! Love it! I can breathe during the night, and I can sleep! So I'm surviving okay.. until Tommy caught it...

Tommy woke up Friday morning with a sore throat, and today, it's in full swing head cold mode.. Since I'm on the back side of my cold (hopefully) I immediately headed to WalMart to gear up for the battle. I purchased good tissues (because I can handle the cheap kind, but I won't make my hubby use them), chicken soup (he prefers Campbells, rather than my homemade.. which is okay.. I guess :)) and most importantly, I bought Lysol wipes. and I've been using them. I started wiping down every remote, every door handle, cabinet handle, fridge handle, everything. I refuse to continue passing this cold around. refuse!

I'll send more updates from the battlefront.


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