Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Meat. In the shape of a loaf.

I hate to admit this... but in all my housewifing adventures (and I've cooked for years before that) I'VE NEVER MADE A MEATLOAF.  You know.. it makes me feel better to just come out and say it.. I've failed as a country woman.. I've let down the country folk...

Okay. That was a little extreme. So. I've never made a meatloaf.. It's out there.. it's published.. never can I hide and pretend that I've mashed ground beef into the shape of a loaf.. and cooked it until it was sitting in the middle of a grease pond.. the meat island.. the center of the greasy earth... eewww.

Truth is.. I'm not a big meatloaf fan.. and the hubby isn't interested in meatloaf at all... which is probably why I've never made one in my life.. if he won't eat it.. I don't waste my time mastering it.. I enjoy the instant gratification of a meal well prepared.. and when he says 'yum, babe.'.. I know the planning and preparing has paid off.. but this is not the case with meatloaf.. I've never made a meatloaf..

And you know what? I might be a rebel.. I might not make a meat 'loaf'.. why does it have to be a loaf?!?! I could make meat 'cupcakes'.. in a muffin pan.. I could make a meat bunt... a meat tube.. a meat ball.. I could do many things with meat 'loaf'.

Here's the point of my endless conversation about meat. in the shape of a loaf.
My father in law's birthday was 9-16-10... and his FAVORITE DISH.. is MEAT LOAF ! ! ! ahh!!!

We're having them over for dinner this weekend.. and of course.. instead of pulling out an old favorite, consulting the pioneerwoman's cookbook or eating out.. I've taken on quite a challenge... meatloaf.. meat. loaf..

In taking on this challenge, I've consulted the experts (Mom, Mimi, Aunt Vic) on meatloaf tips and tricks.. and I've gotten my hands on Mimi's meatloaf recipe.. and more importantly, Mimi's Meatloaf SAUCE RECIPE... which is the key to making a good meatloaf in the Meredith family... well.. in the world.

Mimi (years ago) created a meatloaf sauce that goes on the 'loaf' (if you will) in the middle of the cooking process, to give it a tangy, moist flavor.. and (here's the real kicker)..the other half of the sauce recipe is served in a gravy boat, at the table.. to top the completed meatloaf, make a pond in the mashed potatoes, create a green bean river... and to be consumed alone.. or drunk, with a straw.. because that's how good it is...

With this recipe.. I cannot fail.. it is the greatest sauce (it's tomato based, that's all I'll tell) in the world.. and now that I've been given the recipe.. I will be adding it to chicken, pork, cereal, cakes.. okay, not cereal or cakes.. but it's THAT good.

We're just not a 'ketchup on the meatloaf' kind of family. I'm okay with that.

<3 Kara


  1. I bet it will be DELICIOUS and I really hope you share the whole recipe -- "loaf" and "sauce" :)!!!

  2. Yah, I hear ya, sister! Married 20 years and I've never made meatloaf or served it with ketchup. It seems wrong but we seem to be in the ranks of the few on that opinion.
    However, I think it terribly unfair to tease with such descriptions tempting me from my current status on the 'loaf' and not share.
    You must! Make me a meatloaf believer!
